Friday 16 October 2015


My eldest daughter Emilia is soon approaching the big '2 Years Old' so we've been building up her 2-3 years wardrobe. We usually stick to Asda George, Matalan and Primark for things like leggings, multi packs of tops and pyjamas, then branch out to Next and Zara for shoes, jeggings/jeans, jumpers and jackets. The quality of children's clothes from Asda, Matalan and Primark is really great, and they all have amazing value for money and are very current and stylish.

1. Matalan £6, 2. Matalan £6. 3 & 4. Asda George £7

5. Matalan £5, 6.Matalan £6, 7. Matalan £6, 8 & 9. Asda George

10. Matalan £9

11. Asda George (Can't find link)

12. Asda George (multipack) £7

Wednesday 26 August 2015


Seeing as I've finally finished Olivia's nursery I thought I'd do a post about it. After doing a lot of research online about decorating 'small bedrooms' it became very apparent that small did not have the same meaning to most people. Olivia's nursery is approximately 6.6ft x 6.8ft in size, so I didn't have much space to work with at all! In the end I put all my effort in (with the help of my lovely mother) and I'm really happy with the outcome. 

This is Olivia's nursery - very pink, very girly; very cute. To make the room look as big as possible I chose to paint the main walls white and have one 'feature wall' (using Dulux 'Sorbet'), I chose to do a striped design which I believe helps to make the nursery look bigger.  As I had to be conscious of space, this IKEA armchair was perfect and so comfy! I obviously covered it with a throw blanket in case of spit ups or spills. Also from IKEA is this pink flower wall-lamp, I think it complements the room nicely and makes it look so cosy at night.

I loooove this bunting, I didn't want to ruin the stripes by painting on them so this seemed like the better option. I cannot find the online shop for this particular one but there are so many on Etsy and Ebay.

Sunday 23 August 2015


Long gone are the days where my diet consisted of heavy, carby foods such as pasta, pizza and garlic bread and those pesky foods that are soooo yummy but so high in fat and sugar like sweets, ice cream, milkshakes, etc. I used to LOVE eating them, I was such a foodie - I still am a foodie, I just know how to balance my diet and eat things in moderation. I think the time that I started eating healthier was half way through my first pregnancy. I'd always been thin and toned and probably let that cloud my mind in thinking that giving into pregnancy cravings wouldn't cause me to put on weight. But it did. I put on about about 50lbs in my first pregnancy, basically because I ate what I wanted and not what my body really needed. During my second pregnancy I was more wary, I exercised every now and again and I ended up only gaining about 35lbs. Apparently a normal weight gain during pregnancy is between 15-35lbs so I think my little changes helped a lot the second time around.

Now that my younger daughter Olivia is 4 months old and able to be fed by my partner I've started going to my local gym. This is not only great for me health-wise but it's also something that I can do that's just for me. When I'm not at the gym I'm with my girls 100% of the time, so 4 days a week off I go to have some me-time. Would I rather go to a spa or to get my nails done? Of course.. but the gym is already giving me so much confidence, even without seeing major results yet. As I'm a newbie to the gym I stick to the basic machines and I'm guessing that when I get more confident I'll be able to do a lot more. Currently I spend about 50 minutes 4 times a week at the gym which is fine for me - I do 25 minutes on the stationary bike on the cardio setting (80% of max heart rate), 15 minutes walking on the treadmill at a speed of  3.5 mph on an incline of 7% and then I use a few of the weight machines, mainly focusing on arms and legs. This is what works for me, though I won't do this forever - it's good for your body to experience a change in routine or it becomes used to it and you won't get the best results. Personally, I'm aiming for fat-loss and toning, as I still haven't lost all my baby weight and being pregnant for 2 years has made my old body a thing of the past!

Thursday 13 August 2015


It's been a few months since I last did a blog post... I thought about writing one a few times but I was in such a rut - hopefully now I'm out of it. So, Olivia has just turned 4 months old and Emilia 19 months; time is definitely flying. I'm still breastfeeding Olivia, I'm also trying to pump so she gets used to the bottle as I'm not sure how long I'm going to keep breastfeeding even though I love the bond it's given us. Olivia moved into her room yesterday as she's outgrown her big Moses basket (long legs like her daddy); she slept quite well considering it was her first night. She's definitely found her voice now and wriggles everywhere, she's got such strong legs! Olivia is 14lbs now and putting on weight steadily, despite her silent reflux which she's on Gaviscon Infant for. I know some people choose to start early but we have no plans to wean her any time soon, I think when the time comes we will be doing BLW.

Tuesday 9 June 2015


I'm in no way an expert at parenting. I learn through my experiences and wanted to share my go-to tips to keep me from going insane. They may be absolutely basic and obvious but hopefully they will be helpful!

1. Try not to stress A.K.A. take each moment as it comes.
For example, if child #1 is having a tantrum (but they're totally safe) and number child #2 has just puked everywhere or had a nappy explosion, take a breath, be calm and prioritise. Babies and children can pick up on stress and anxiety so just tackle the worst thing first (maybe whilst singing a crazy song to child #2 haha) then tackle the next thing. It really is all about prioritising. It's easier said than done but there is no point stressing because you're probably going to go through more disgusting and eventful experiences throughout your childrens' life!

If you have somewhere to be, whether it's immediately, in a few hours or in the next few days, make sure you plan it all out. Have a changing bag ready with spare clothes, nappies for both kids, wipes, snacks, drinks, favourite toys, etc. Pick out clothes and have them ready in their rooms along with socks, shoes and coats. Plan out your own outfits and toiletries that you'll be using, make-up and jewelry (for those lucky mothers who have the motivation to look presentable!). When it comes to meals, make them ahead of time, freeze them and reheat them on the day you need them. Prep your breakfast, lunch and dinner so you have no excuses for missing meals due to being tired or busy.

Thursday 14 May 2015


Welcome to the world Olivia Rose Green, born on April 9th at 12:23pm, weighing 8lbs7oz.

Hi everyone, had a bit of a break these past few weeks... The end of my pregnancy wasn't too great, I was really uncomfortable and lacked motivation to do much, then of course I had my baby girl! It's been quite hectic but I'm now starting to get into a bit of a routine. Things were a bit different this time seeing as I had an elective cesarean section rather than emergency - I wasn't as exhausted, I had time to plan and I knew what to expect pain-wise. It kind of worked against me at the same time though because I was so awake that I experienced everything; at least last time I was so out of it that I didn't really feel how scary it was. This time it went a lot better and it was calmer and more positive but it was still quite traumatic, I didn't really think about how much of it I would feel (the tugging and moving, not actual pain); I don't regret my decision one bit though.

I'm not going to go into details about my c-section in this post, I'll probably make a separate one for it/I'm still not sure how to word it. My stay at the hospital wasn't too great, I wanted to go home straight away; I felt so positive straight after my surgery and knew that staying in a noisy, unfamiliar postnatal ward would make me miserable. I didn't sleep much during my 2-day stay which isn't surprising, however Olivia basically slept the entire time, she was an absolute angel. I chose to breastfeed her and she took to it straight away, she now weighs about 10lbs 4oz at 5 weeks old so she seems to be responding well to the breast milk! When Olivia was a few days old the midwives/health visitors noticed that she was slightly jaundice and said that it was because of breastfeeding and that it would pass out of her system soon (usually takes 1-2 weeks max), however after blood and urine tests, the doctors found out that she has a urine infection and that its stopping her jaundice from going away. She's been on antibiotics for the past week and we're waiting for the results to come back, fingers crossed they'll come back fine and her jaundice will go away. It's been a stressful few weeks but it'll all be over soon hopefully.

Friday 27 March 2015


This is the bag that I bought to hold my baby's things for the hospital. It's quite spacious, seems very sturdy and I love the design of it - the shoulder strap makes for easy carrying. Plus it was only £8 from Primark.

Inside: 9 sleepsuits and 9 vests (I packed thinking I'd be staying for 3 days), 3 muslin cloths, 1 fleece blanket, a swaddle pod (£10 from Amazon, I remember stressing out so much about swaddling Emilia in hospital), 2 pairs of socks and a hat.

Monday 23 March 2015


This is my hospital bag, I'm pretty sure it's from Avon, it was a gift so I'm not sure how much it cost. It very spacious and I use it anytime we go away - it's got a lot of compartments and it's very lightweight. Oh, and it's pink!

Inside: Belvita breakfast biscuits (I live off these!!), Go Ahead bars, Twinings Peppermint tea (good for easing pains and indigestion after c-sections), 40 pack of breast pads, pack of Pampers New Baby nappies (couldn't fit in baby's bag), Always night sanitary towels, toiletries bag & make-up bag (both £4 from Primark), grey hard-bottomed slippers (great for if you can't bend down after c-section, £4 from Morrisons), 5 pairs of full briefs (more comfy on the c-section scar than normal underwear, £4 from Primark), 2 nursing bra's (£20 for 2 pack from Mothercare), dark bath towel, 2 sets of pyjama's (trouser and vest top type) and one nightie (for first night whilst the catheter and drains are in).

Friday 20 February 2015


Hi lovelies, thought I'd continue the trend of this 'What my toddler eats' series, even though I did it slightly backwards ha ha! It's been pretty hard to find a variety of foods that Emilia will eat that will fill her up and give her energy, so we mainly stick to carby foods with added protein. She feeds herself her breakfast so we give her food that's easy to chew and not to crumbly.

buttered scotch pancakes (usually cut into quarters) with chopped banana and blueberries.

Sunday 15 February 2015


How far along: I'm in my 32nd week of pregnancy
Due date: 9th April 2015
How many days left: 53 days!!!
Maternity clothes: Mainly wearing maternity jeans, maternity leggings, tights with dresses and long stretchy tops!
Stretch marks: The ones on my sides from my previous pregnancy are fading but I have a few new ones on the front of my belly.
Sleep: Sleeping pretty well at the moment, Emilia's sleeping through the night still, so the only time I wake up is due to uncomfortable belly or achy ankles.
Best moment this week: Our day at Chester Zoo as a family!
Movement: Baby girl is constantly moving, kicking and poking her little hands out, very different movements than in my last pregnancy.

Friday 13 February 2015


I've seen a few mummy bloggers do one of these posts so thought I'd join in as I'm always interested to see what other toddlers are eating. Emilia's never really been fussy with her food - she pretty much eats anything but we keep it healthy. Emilia's meals are pretty balanced but one thing I've been struggling with is protein for her, she gets her protein from her dinner mainly (unless she has some peanut butter on toast with one of her meals); a lot of the time we buy meat for her but it just gets wasted. This example is pretty standard for Emilia, it's what she usually has each day with a few alterations here and there, and she'll eat all of it. This may seem like a lot to some people and it may seem like not much to others but she's gaining weight steadily and healthily and she's a very happy little eater!

Tuesday 10 February 2015


This is the Babymel Cara bag, purchased for £58 at Mothercare. This was probably the second or third changing bag that I've bought and I LOVE it - I'm going to try and keep it, even with the second baby as it is very spacious compared to other changing bags. Its dimensions are 31cm x 45cm x 15.5cm, which after doing my research I discovered is bigger than most changing bags that are designed for 2 babies, let alone 1. It has 2 separate compartments for nappies and a zipped section for things like keys and things you'd want to keep safe, the bag also has 2 exterior side pockets and a large front pocket. It comes with a bottle warmer (I personally didn't use it as Emilia was breastfed for 10 months and preferred cold milk after that) and a matching changing mat.

Friday 6 February 2015


It's that time again! I'd say this post is a kind of 'toddler-clothing seasonal favourites' and by toddler favourites I of course mean 'mummy favourites' haha. These clothing items are all extremely affordable and cute and can be mixed and matched, as you'll see I have done. Emilia is 13 months but is still fitting snugly in her 9-12 months clothes, I'm thinking they'll probably fit her for a while yet. Anyway, lets get on to the clothing!

floral long-sleeved dress £4 Asda, stripe and floral long-sleeved dress £4 Asda.

pink bunny jumper £8.99 Zara, blue floral Minnie jumper £5-6 Primark

Monday 2 February 2015


Yes, you heard it right, nails of the month! Seeing as I don't have the time or patience to paint my nails every week I've found a combo that I've fallen in LOVE with and stuck with it. I've recently discovered Essie nail varnish (super late, I know!) and have decided that I want to collect all of them. Every. Single. One. My current favourites to use together are 'Chinchilly' and 'Sparkle on Top', I'm loving the whole statement nail trend, so I think that 'Sparkle on Top' is the perfect amount of glitter to use for this particular nail look. These nail varnishes are super fast-drying and fabulous colours for this season (every season, in fact!) so grab them whilst you can!

Saturday 10 January 2015


We recently purchased the 'BabyDan Configure Gate XXL Black' from Safetots. We previously had the Infantastic playpen which we're keeping for when we travel and for when Emilia stays at her grandparents' house. We decided to get a bigger and sturdier playpen as Emilia is walking now and has quite a lot of toys. I wanted to be able to keep an eye on her and for her to play happily and safely whilst I'll be caring for the new baby. I believe this type of playpen was well priced (£89.99) and I'm extremely happy with our choice. 

(This is the old playpen, which has served it's purpose and would probably have stayed as her playpen if we weren't having another baby)

Wednesday 7 January 2015


Seeing as it's a new year I've decided to try and blog more often - this will be my creative outlet aside from my life as a soon to be mother of 2 under 2 years old. Though I'll be writing about my lovely children, I'll also be doing lifestyle, fashion and beauty posts. First up is a life update, just to put things in perspective. 

So, my daughter Emilia is about to turn 1 on January 12th. We want to make it a special event even though she won't remember it, so we're inviting our parents, close family and my best friend to my mums' house for a little tea party. It's going to be pink themed (typical, i know) as Emilia loves Minnie Mouse; I'm hoping that she'll like seeing the banners and balloons and bright colours. She's going to be given so much attention by our family and friends, she'll be completely in her element. I just wish she had baby friends.. Of course she'll have her little sister when she's born but I think this year we're going to make more of an effort to introduce Emilia and baby O to some other children so they can get used to child interaction before they go off to nursery (sob!!). We're going to take lots of pictures at Emilia's party so we can put them in a giant scrap book and show her when she's older, I'll hopefully do a post about it too.