Thursday 13 August 2015


It's been a few months since I last did a blog post... I thought about writing one a few times but I was in such a rut - hopefully now I'm out of it. So, Olivia has just turned 4 months old and Emilia 19 months; time is definitely flying. I'm still breastfeeding Olivia, I'm also trying to pump so she gets used to the bottle as I'm not sure how long I'm going to keep breastfeeding even though I love the bond it's given us. Olivia moved into her room yesterday as she's outgrown her big Moses basket (long legs like her daddy); she slept quite well considering it was her first night. She's definitely found her voice now and wriggles everywhere, she's got such strong legs! Olivia is 14lbs now and putting on weight steadily, despite her silent reflux which she's on Gaviscon Infant for. I know some people choose to start early but we have no plans to wean her any time soon, I think when the time comes we will be doing BLW.

Emilia is so incredibly spirited and strong-minded now she's out of the baby stage. She loves to dance, sing, draw with her crayons, run around and read her books. AND she also loves her sister, finally!! For a while she didn't really understand why Olivia was here taking all the attention away from her, I think maybe now it's a balance of making sure Emilia has enough attention and that she's happy as well as her just getting used to Olivia. She loves to stroke her head, say 'hi' and 'bye' to her, say 'night night' and laugh at her when she makes her baby noises. It's so adorable to see, I can't wait to watch their relationship grow. Emilia is very intelligent (biased, I know!), she picks things up really quickly and recognises how things go together. However, it appears as though she's started the 'Terrible Two's' already!!! Emilia is the queen of tantrum's, she hates the word 'no', hates when she can't do what she wants, etc. It's the usual emotional toddler stuff so I'm just taking it all as it happens. Charlie and I are getting used to disciplining her when she does something wrong, we're both so silly though, we have to stop ourselves from laughing because she's such a cheeky monkey, we know she's not doing it to be bad, she's just testing our boundaries.

My goals for us as a family are to find a nice toddler group and nursery in the area that I can walk to so Emilia and Olivia can make some new friends, get Emilia into some sports and arty things (if that's possible for toddlers), to go abroad with Charlie and the girls, to take a family picture for the house and to make the most of the rest of this year (a.k.a. go on more trips as a family). 

My personal goals are to continue eating well and going to the gym (1 stone down, wahey!), to get back into education and on the route to university, to learn to drive, stop stressing about silly things and to stop being so hard on myself.

Hopefully I'm going to be posting more, just about anything rather than planning out specific things, then there's less pressure on me.

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