Sunday 15 February 2015


How far along: I'm in my 32nd week of pregnancy
Due date: 9th April 2015
How many days left: 53 days!!!
Maternity clothes: Mainly wearing maternity jeans, maternity leggings, tights with dresses and long stretchy tops!
Stretch marks: The ones on my sides from my previous pregnancy are fading but I have a few new ones on the front of my belly.
Sleep: Sleeping pretty well at the moment, Emilia's sleeping through the night still, so the only time I wake up is due to uncomfortable belly or achy ankles.
Best moment this week: Our day at Chester Zoo as a family!
Movement: Baby girl is constantly moving, kicking and poking her little hands out, very different movements than in my last pregnancy.
Food craving: I have intense cravings for Indian food, I love it, especially chicken korma and Peshawari naan bread
Anything making you sick: Nothing really, haven't had any sickness/nausea for a long time thankfully.
Gender: It's a girl!!
Labour: No signs yet. If it happens before 39 weeks I'll be having an emergency c-section.
Symptoms: Achy ankles (no swelling yet though!), backache, exhaustion; occasional hormonal craziness haha.
Belly button in or out: Half in, half out at the moment!
Happy or moody: Mainly happy, occasional sadness but I think that's just hormones.
Baby purchases: Newborn nappies, wipes, newborn leggings; sleep suits.
Current weight: Not sure. I refuse to weigh myself. I know I haven't put on ridiculous amounts of weight, just the normal pregnancy weight. Bit of a change compared to the 50 lbs I gained last pregnancy...
What are you looking forward to: Buying my nursing chair for baby O's room and getting closer to my due date.
Things to do: Book my flu and whooping cough vaccination, start packing my hospital bag and get the crib ready in our bedroom.

1 comment:

  1. You look amazing! Seriously hope I look this good and stay this positive towards the end of my pregnancy! x
