Wednesday 7 January 2015


Seeing as it's a new year I've decided to try and blog more often - this will be my creative outlet aside from my life as a soon to be mother of 2 under 2 years old. Though I'll be writing about my lovely children, I'll also be doing lifestyle, fashion and beauty posts. First up is a life update, just to put things in perspective. 

So, my daughter Emilia is about to turn 1 on January 12th. We want to make it a special event even though she won't remember it, so we're inviting our parents, close family and my best friend to my mums' house for a little tea party. It's going to be pink themed (typical, i know) as Emilia loves Minnie Mouse; I'm hoping that she'll like seeing the banners and balloons and bright colours. She's going to be given so much attention by our family and friends, she'll be completely in her element. I just wish she had baby friends.. Of course she'll have her little sister when she's born but I think this year we're going to make more of an effort to introduce Emilia and baby O to some other children so they can get used to child interaction before they go off to nursery (sob!!). We're going to take lots of pictures at Emilia's party so we can put them in a giant scrap book and show her when she's older, I'll hopefully do a post about it too.

Emilia is a fabulous little lady with her own sparkling personality, it's so amazing to watch her and see how her mind works by the way that she moves and babbles to herself. She loves to read, play peek-a-boo, dance to music (bop up and down, clap her hands and twist from side to side), she loves to eat pasta and cherry tomatoes, she loves destroying piles of clean laundry and helping mummy sort out the food shopping - which of course means emptying the shopping bags onto the floor and throwing the items around the room! Emilia has been weaned off her formula and is now on 3 7oz bottles of whole milk per day and thankfully she sleeps through the night the majority of the time. She loves her daddy 'daddy, daddy, daddy!' is her favourite phrase at the moment and she'll only say 'mama' when she's whinging! Typical! She's a very active baby, she climbs and crawls and has just started walking and also does a little run when she plays with us! Emilia is honestly such a lovely little girl and I cannot wait to see her with her little sister.

This week marks my 26th week of pregnancy - it's been pretty decent so far, I'm only just starting to feel big and tired. I'm starting to get quite a lot of lower back pain and my ankles have started getting achy, thankfully they haven't swelled up yet! During this pregnancy I have a lot more appointments with my midwife and my consultant as I'm classed as high-risk due to my previous cesarean section, I don't really feel that different than I did in my last pregnancy other than occasional discomfort around my scar. The birth plan for this pregnancy is to have another cesarean, there are many reasons for this decision, mainly because of the labour/birth experience that I had last time. I've not really put on much weight this time, my lifestyle is a lot more active as I have Emilia and my diet is 100% better than it was before, this is something that I'll continue with as I'd like to be as healthy as possible for myself and for my family.

I'm engaged to my best friend and the love of my life, Charlie. We've been living in our new house since Emilia was 4 weeks old, it's become our home and is the perfect place for our children to learn and grow in. He works in Sales and is so dedicated and loving, I'm so grateful for how hard he works to support us so I can continue to stay at home and look after Emilia (and soon baby O). We plan to get married in Autumn 2016/17 - we'll probably have a small ceremony and then a party with all of our friends and family, we'll be making most of the decor and invitations ourselves to save money so that we can have a nicer venue and honeymoon. Charlie is such a fabulous father and fiancé, I'm so lucky to have found him, I can honestly say that he's my soulmate.

So many things are happening this year, I can't wait to experience it all!

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