Tuesday 9 June 2015


I'm in no way an expert at parenting. I learn through my experiences and wanted to share my go-to tips to keep me from going insane. They may be absolutely basic and obvious but hopefully they will be helpful!

1. Try not to stress A.K.A. take each moment as it comes.
For example, if child #1 is having a tantrum (but they're totally safe) and number child #2 has just puked everywhere or had a nappy explosion, take a breath, be calm and prioritise. Babies and children can pick up on stress and anxiety so just tackle the worst thing first (maybe whilst singing a crazy song to child #2 haha) then tackle the next thing. It really is all about prioritising. It's easier said than done but there is no point stressing because you're probably going to go through more disgusting and eventful experiences throughout your childrens' life!

If you have somewhere to be, whether it's immediately, in a few hours or in the next few days, make sure you plan it all out. Have a changing bag ready with spare clothes, nappies for both kids, wipes, snacks, drinks, favourite toys, etc. Pick out clothes and have them ready in their rooms along with socks, shoes and coats. Plan out your own outfits and toiletries that you'll be using, make-up and jewelry (for those lucky mothers who have the motivation to look presentable!). When it comes to meals, make them ahead of time, freeze them and reheat them on the day you need them. Prep your breakfast, lunch and dinner so you have no excuses for missing meals due to being tired or busy.

3. Make time for each child.
If your children have different nap times, plan out an activities to do whilst the other is sleeping, even if its something like reading a book, playing with toys, colouring or just having a cuddle. It really makes a difference as there may be times where you have to make that horrible decision of choosing which child to go to when they both need you. It's so rewarding to know and feel that your child loves you and enjoys spending time with you. This was something I was worried about losing when I found out I was pregnant with Olivia.

4. Master the mess.
Children are messy. Obvious statement of the century haha. I've found that if you absolutely have to, it's easier to tidy up once they're sleeping. I've overdone the whole 'tidy up, child pulls all of the books onto the floor, tidy up, child throws toys everywhere' thing, and it gets old very fast! Don't pressure yourself though, if you're exhausted or have somewhere to go then leave it. It's not the end of the world to have a bit of mess! 

5. Accept help if it's offered.
After I'd had Emilia I was very protective of her and of my role as a mother, so much so that I almost exhausted myself by doing everything and being everywhere. I just wanted to feel like a good mum and have a clean house, which is completely normal. This time around I have fewer doubts about myself and have learned a lot parenting-wise so it's easier to accept help. There's definitely no shame in it. If family or friends are coming over and they offer to tidy up or make lunch or a cup of coffee, say yes! Don't look at it as not being good enough or giving into your pride, let yourself have a break! If someone brings you food, accept it. If family wants to help you out by looking after your baby/toddler, when you feel ready and feel you can trust them, then say yes. Have a rest, give yourself a pedicure, watch a tv show you've put off for a while. Little things like that help so much and make you happier. Well they do for me anyway!

Hope these tips helped, please comment any of your own if they work for you!

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