Thursday 14 May 2015


Welcome to the world Olivia Rose Green, born on April 9th at 12:23pm, weighing 8lbs7oz.

Hi everyone, had a bit of a break these past few weeks... The end of my pregnancy wasn't too great, I was really uncomfortable and lacked motivation to do much, then of course I had my baby girl! It's been quite hectic but I'm now starting to get into a bit of a routine. Things were a bit different this time seeing as I had an elective cesarean section rather than emergency - I wasn't as exhausted, I had time to plan and I knew what to expect pain-wise. It kind of worked against me at the same time though because I was so awake that I experienced everything; at least last time I was so out of it that I didn't really feel how scary it was. This time it went a lot better and it was calmer and more positive but it was still quite traumatic, I didn't really think about how much of it I would feel (the tugging and moving, not actual pain); I don't regret my decision one bit though.

I'm not going to go into details about my c-section in this post, I'll probably make a separate one for it/I'm still not sure how to word it. My stay at the hospital wasn't too great, I wanted to go home straight away; I felt so positive straight after my surgery and knew that staying in a noisy, unfamiliar postnatal ward would make me miserable. I didn't sleep much during my 2-day stay which isn't surprising, however Olivia basically slept the entire time, she was an absolute angel. I chose to breastfeed her and she took to it straight away, she now weighs about 10lbs 4oz at 5 weeks old so she seems to be responding well to the breast milk! When Olivia was a few days old the midwives/health visitors noticed that she was slightly jaundice and said that it was because of breastfeeding and that it would pass out of her system soon (usually takes 1-2 weeks max), however after blood and urine tests, the doctors found out that she has a urine infection and that its stopping her jaundice from going away. She's been on antibiotics for the past week and we're waiting for the results to come back, fingers crossed they'll come back fine and her jaundice will go away. It's been a stressful few weeks but it'll all be over soon hopefully.